Pesquisando. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...

Governor recognizes advances in media

  • Luanda • Friday, 08 March de 2024 | 22h18
Governadora do Huambo, Lotti Nolika
Governadora do Huambo, Lotti Nolika
Zeferino Zinga -ANGOP

Huambo – The governor of the province of Huambo, Lotti Nolika, recognized, this Friday, the advances made by the Telecommunications, Information Technologies and Mass Media sector, in terms of radio, television, telephone and internet coverage.

In the welcome speech of the II Consultative Council of the Ministry of Telecommunications, Information Technologies and Mass Media, the governor said that she has seen significant improvements in the provision of services.

The minister referred to this as an important and decisive sector for economic transformation, mainly in the optimization of resources.

Therefore, Lotti Nolika expressed confidence in the future, where digital inclusion will be guaranteed by the sector's hard work, an initiative that will contribute to improving communications in many areas of the country and abroad.

She announced, on behalf of Huambo population, estimated at 2.7 million people, that the II MINTTICS Consultative Council will contribute to improving the level of understanding and the way of acting of each of the participants, with a view to the growth of the sector.

Council program

With a stage in the auditorium of the Journalist Training Center (CEFOJOR), inaugurated last January by the President of the Republic, the work of the meeting taking place under the motto “Connect and Communicate for Citizenship”, is being guided by the head of the folder, Mário Augusto da Silva Oliveira.

In the morning of this Friday, thematic meetings were held with the directors of the Institutional Communication and Press and Social Communication offices of the provincial governments, with the press attachés of the Diplomatic Missions abroad, with the directors of Telecommunications and Information, as well as with those responsible for Register and Modernization of the local Administration.

For Saturday, the last day of the activity, among other sessions, the approach to the restructuring, modernization program and the challenges of public companies is scheduled.

The meeting is attended by the secretaries of State of MINTTICS, the governor of the province of Huambo, Lotti Nolika, boards of directors of public companies, national directors and general directors of supervised institutions, consultants, directors of Institutional Communication offices, attachés press, heads of provincial Social Communication offices and partners.


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