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Governor comforts families affected by the Dande river overflow

  • Luanda • Friday, 05 January de 2024 | 21h19
Governadora Maria Anónia Nelumba visita população afectada pelo transbordo do rio Dande
Governadora Maria Anónia Nelumba visita população afectada pelo transbordo do rio Dande

Caxito - More than 400 families affected by the rains and the overflow of the Dande River, in the province of Bengo, received a visit from the provincial governor, Maria Antónia Nelumba, on Friday.

These are families from the Bula and Caboxa neighborhoods, in the municipality of Dande.

They were housed in the former “Bengo Hotel,” in the city of Caxito, and received food, used clothes, hygienic products and household items.

To help the situation, a community kitchen was created to serve these families, especially children.

The provincial government is working to house this population in safer places (neighborhood 25), where another 200 people affected by the recent rains are already affected.

It is also collecting plates to take these families to safer places with drinking water and medical and drug care.

“Within a week, the conditions will be created to start moving this population to neighborhood 25 where they will build their temporary and permanent houses as they receive the sheets and other construction materials”, she said.

She said that the government is working with the Civil Protection and Fire Service to raise awareness among the population to leave risk areas during rainy weather.

With the Ministry of Public Works, she said, the provincial government intends to work towards improvement works to contain the advance of the waters.

The overflow of the Dande River affected 600 homes and more than 200 others were destroyed.

“Today the situation is calm because there has been a reduction in the water level in the Mabubas Dam Reservoir, said the provincial commander of the Civil Protection and Fire Service in Bengo, Fire Commissioner Faustino Camões.

The overflow of the Dande River registered this Thursday, in Caxito, caused the flooding of the Higher Polytechnic Institute of Bengo, the Bula and Caboxa neighborhoods, as well as conditioned normal access to the Kimamuenho Magisterium and the Penitentiary Establishment of the Caboxa.MD/IF/DOJ

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