Governor reiterates commitment to paving Massangano roads

  • Luanda • Friday, 23 August de 2024 | 08h43
Governador Cuanza-Norte, João Diogo Gaspar
Governador Cuanza-Norte, João Diogo Gaspar

Ndalatando - The provincial governor of Cuanza-Norte, João Diogo Gaspar, reiterated, on Friday, his commitment to paving the road that connects Dondo to the communal headquarters of Massangano, in the municipality of Cambambe, aiming to improve access to that tourist site.

The governor made the statement to ANGOP, in Massangano, when he spoke about the obstacles to the development of tourism in the province.

“We are creating conditions for people to visit this place and enjoy its natural beauty and historical past,” he said.

He clarified that the Executive is working to pave the 22 kilometers of the road that connects Dondo (municipal headquarters of Cambambe) to the commune of Massangano so that people can take part in tourism there.

The Minister of Public Works, Urbanism and Housing, Carlos Alberto dos Santos, had announced last February that the Massangano road would be paved this year.

The undertaking, according to the minister at the time, is included in the 2024 General State Budget (OGE) and aims to improve the circulation of people and goods in this tourist region of the country.

The governor pointed out that the poor condition of access roads to the commune's tourist sites continues to be the main obstacle to investments in the tourism sector in this region of Cuanza-Norte.

He said that many national and foreign investors shy away from investing in the locality, because of the degradation of the access roads that connect the city of Dondo to Massangano, an eminently tourist area.

For this reason, he stressed, the development of the tourism sector in Massangano necessarily involves the rehabilitation of the commune's road.

He said that, at this time, the main focus of tourism in Massangano is the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Victory, a national monument built in the 16th century, which attracts thousands of pilgrims every year, coming from different regions of the country and the world.

In the governor's opinion, religious tourism in the commune, if well explored, can promote employment and the appreciation of local cultural heritage.

João Diogo Gaspar was confident that the same road would be paved as soon as possible, to facilitate better access to that location. DS/CF/DOJ


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