Luanda - The National Integrated Ticketing Company (EMBI) trained, between the 19th and 23rd of February, in Luanda, more than a thousand registration agents, store supervisors and attendants.
According to a statement sent this Wednesday to ANGOP, the training aimed to speed up the registration process and improve the supervision of social pass sales points, called GiraMais.
During the training, the trainees learned more about ENBI and reinforced their knowledge on how to register users of the GiraMais social pass and how to convey to citizens the advantages of using this service.
Young people, according to the note, also received more detailed information about the types of transport tickets that exist.
For ENBI trainer, Jordão Cambundo, the training was positive, because it gave young people important knowledge about the public transport network, in addition to preparing them for the job market.
Trainee Joaquim dos Santos considers GiraMais an important tool and considers it a commitment to society to be part of this project.
Created in October 2023, this public transport pass is now available in the provinces of Luanda, Benguela and Huíla.
This category of social pass benefits public education students, aged between 6 and 15, enrolled up to 9th grade.