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Chinese company to carry out electricity projects in Angola

  • Luanda • Thursday, 20 June de 2024 | 12h36
Energia eléctrica
Energia eléctrica
Joaquim Tomás

Icolo e Bengo - The Ministry of Energy and Water will implement, in the coming days, all the projects already identified in the electricity transmission and distribution field to be carried out by a Chinese company.

The minister made the statement on Thursday in Macau, Republic of China, where he took part in the 15th International Investment and Construction Forum.

The official said the Chinese company selected for this purpose has "major" investments worldwide in the design and management of electricity transmission lines.

According to the official, a memorandum of understanding is to be signed which will be the guardian of a set of contracts for the construction of the electricity transmission system.

João Borges said Angola has put as top priority to expand the electricity system to the south and to other countries in the region, with the aim to mitigate the negative effects of climate change.

In an interview to Chinese television in Macau, João Baptista Borges said that in Angola more than 20 billion US dollars have been invested in the energy and water sectors through China's credit line.

 According to the Angolan minister, the largest funding from that Asian country has been injected in the Caculo Cabaça hydroelectric dam construction, the largest in Angola, with 2,170 MW, where a total of 4.5 billion US dollars will be spent.

 The official added that it is in the interests of the Angolan state to see friendship ties with the People's Republic of China strengthened, recalling that 40 years of diplomatic relations were recently celebrated, during which important agreements were signed that reflect the interest in seeing more private investment in Angola, especially in basic infrastructures, on which the country's economic and social development is based.

"At this meeting we want to learn more about the potential of Chinese industry and technology and get to know companies in the energy and water sectors better, so that we can facilitate the construction of infrastructures that will allow us to have a more resilient economy and trade, as well as promoting the expansion of access to electricity for the population," Borges said.

The minister added that in sub-Saharan Africa electricity access rates are below 50 percent and particularly in Angola it is at 43 percent, with the aim of raising it to 50 percent by the end of 2027, benefiting 16 million citizens.

For this reason, the minister said, cheaper and green energy is being produced through dams and solar panel technology with the support of China.

The forum is a platform created in 2010 by the Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute and the China International Contractors Association, with the approval of the Chinese Ministry of Commerce.

It serves to consult on strategic issues in the areas of construction and infrastructure, with the main aim of promoting cooperation at the highest level between government entities, financial institutions, engineering and infrastructure construction companies. AJQ/DAN/AMP


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