Social Policy Commission approves protection for people with chronic diseases

  • Luanda • Wednesday, 14 August de 2024 | 20h41
Ministra de Estado, Maria Bragança, orienta reunião do conselho para política social
Ministra de Estado, Maria Bragança, orienta reunião do conselho para política social
Nelson Malamba - ANGOP

Luanda - The Commission for Social Policy approved, on Wednesday, in Luanda, the National Plan for the Prevention, Protection and Support of People with Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases (PLANAPREV) 2024-2027, which will be submitted in the coming days to the Council of Ministers.

The document was analyzed during the 4th ordinary meeting of the aforementioned commission, chaired by the Minister of State for Social Area, Maria do Rosário Bragança, and establishes objectives aimed at ensuring the protection, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and assistance to people with chronic non-communicable diseases, namely hypertension, sickle cell anemia, diabetes, cancer and mental illnesses.

According to the Minister of Health, Sílvia Lutucuta, the plan solves situations that worry many citizens, particularly the issue of drug subsidies.

During the meeting, the National Plan for the Development of Sport (PLANADESPORTO) 2024-2027 was considered and approved, an instrument that aims to establish assumptions and objectives for the materialization of the program for the generalization of sports practice and improvement of high-performance sport.

The document proposes measures aimed at strengthening sports infrastructure, through investments in the sports sector, highlighting the need to establish partnerships with the private sector.

There will be space and openness to the private sector to leverage the sports industry in the country, thus creating business opportunities and jobs in this sector, significantly reducing State intervention.

The Minister of Youth and Sports, Rui Falcão, said that the plan has several stages for the development of sports, from the grassroots, with school and community sports, as well as at the intermediate level with high-performance sports and the staff training plan.

Rui Falcão said that this plan aims to substantially increase the number of physical activity practitioners in the country, through community sport, as well as to increase the level of participants in federated sports.

At this meeting, the Reading Plan (PLANALEITURA) 2024-2027 was approved, a document that, in general, aims at the massification of reading in the population, in order to develop this culture from childhood, stimulating the habit of reading among young people and adults, in order to contribute to human development.

The plan envisages a set of projects and activities that will allow the continuous increase in literacy levels, namely, the increase of infrastructure such as libraries and media libraries throughout the territory, equipping schools at the most varied levels of education, training and training of reading mediators, teachers with effective methods of promoting reading and selection of appropriate materials.

According to the Minister of Education, Luísa Grilo, the focus is on popularizing reading and creating more readers, and it is important to develop spaces, without leaving aside the actions developed by individuals at the community level.

The Commission for Social Policy, among other functions, monitors and ensures the implementation of policies and programs in the social area, evaluates capacity development in terms of investment and human capital building, as well as the transformation and strengthening of institutional practices. ANM/OHA/DOJ

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