Pesquisando. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...

Commission for Social Policy analyses Bills on environment field

  • Luanda • Tuesday, 18 June de 2024 | 12h44
3ª Sessão Ordinária da Comissão para Política Social do Conselho de Ministros
3ª Sessão Ordinária da Comissão para Política Social do Conselho de Ministros
Pedro Parente-ANGOP

Luanda - The Committee for Social Policy of the Council of Ministers analyzed today, Tuesday, in Luanda, a draft Acts that regulates the legal regime of the Special Career of Officials and Inspection Agents of Conservation Areas Environmental.

The Bill was assessed during the 3rd ordinary meeting of the Commission, held under the guidance of the Minister of State for the Social Area, Dalva Ringote Allen, within the scope of the competence delegated to him by the President of the Republic, as Holder of Executive Power.

The project aims to dignify and value the activity of professionals, thus ensuring the proper functioning of inspection services in these areas, as well as the conservation, preservation and sustainable use of biodiversity resources.

On the same occasion, the Draft Presidential Decree approving the Organic Statute of the National Institute of Biodiversity and Conservation Areas, a public entity that will ensure the execution of the Executive's policies on Biodiversity and Environmental Conservation, was analyzed too.

On the Culture sector, the Commission carried out a preliminary assessment of the Culture Support and Promotion Plan (PLANACULT 2024-2027), a planning instrument that aims to promote the harmonious and sustained development of the national territory, through support for the preservation of diversity cultural and given the importance of the matter, recommended its submission to public consultation, at national level.

On the health domain, the National Plan for Prevention, Protection and Support for People with Non-Communicable Diseases (PLANAPREV 2024-2027) was preliminarily addressed, a document that presents the strategic indications and the operationalization method of the Expansion and Improvement of the National Health System, defined in the National Development Plan (PDN 2023-2027).

The plan aims to reduce the prevalence of Non-Communicable Diseases, whose development priority guides their prevention and treatment, having recommended their review by this Commission, after work to be carried out by the Ministries of Planning and Finance. EVC/PA/DOJ

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A pesquisar. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...