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Jealousy husband stabs wife to death in southern Namibe

  • Luanda • Monday, 25 November de 2024 | 13h51

Moçâmedes _The Criminal Investigation Service in southern Namibe province have arrested a 33-year-old Angolan national for killing his wife, after stabbing her five times in the chest for jealousy.

According to the SIC spokesperson, José Lolina, the alleged murder took place on Wednesday at around 9pm, when the accused, on suspicion of his partner's infidelity, followed her after she had left the house and on the way stubbed her five times with a knife in the chest and then hid the body in a hut.

The body of the woman, who leaves behind three young children, was found on Thursday afternoon after family members noticed her missing, while the alleged murderer was arrested on Saturday in Huíla province, where he was on the run.

“With the help of our colleagues in Huíla, we managed to arrest the individual who was immediately transferred to Namibe and today will be presented to the Public Prosecutor's Office and the judge of guarantees for the subsequent procedural steps,” the SIC spokesperson said.

On that occasion, the spokesman said that on Sunday, the SIC also arrested a citizen accused of stabbing his work colleague to death for forgetting to buy vegetable oil to make food while fishing.

“It all started when the accused realized that vegetable oil was missing from the purchases they had made, which led to a fight between the two. The alleged murderer then took a knife out of his pocket and stabbed his colleague in the forehead. He was taken to the municipality's health unit and then to Ngola Kimbanda Provincial Hospital, where he died this morning,” Lolina said.

The officer pointed out that the SIC, as part of its operational work, had also arrested eight individuals in recent days who were allegedly involved in the theft of household appliances, cell phones and butane gas cylinders.FA/MCN /TED/AMP

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