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Three die in Viana over heavy rains   

  • Luanda • Thursday, 05 December de 2024 | 17h28
Bombeiros resgatam cadáver de menor no rio Cuebe
Bombeiros resgatam cadáver de menor no rio Cuebe
Maurício Sequesseque-ANGOP

Viana – At least three people died in Luanda’s Viana municipality as a result of the recent rains that poured on the country's capital, the municipal administrator, Démetrio de Sepúlveda, said on Thursday.

Speaking about the consequences of the rains, the administrator said two of the fatalities occurred on the border with Cacuaco municipality when the victims tried to cross a ditch behind the Landfill, while the other is a child reported missing in the Caop area, for allegedly being swept away by the current of the waters.

The official appealed to the municipalities not to put themselves at the mercy of less good situations, such as crossing drainage ditches while it's raining, and not to build in risky areas.   

He added that the municipality's drainage basins and ditches are under control, while some gutters are being taken over by solid waste and sand as a result of the flow of water in all districts.

Demétrio de Sepúlveda said that they had noted with concern the flooding of several streets, especially in the districts of Estalagem, Baia, Vila Flor and Kikuxi, where the administration's actions continue with the placement of pumps in the basins to suck up the water, as well as occasional attention to other cases.

He guaranteed that greater attention is being paid to schools and health units with permanent inspection work, appealing to parents to pay more attention to children and motorists to be cautious, especially in the Zango area.

The municipality of Viana, with around three million inhabitants, has six districts: Vila sede, Baia, Estalagem, Kikuxi, Vila Flor, Zango and the commune of Calumbo. HDC/SEC/AMP

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