Pesquisando. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...

Bishop emphasises importance of unity in consolidating achievements of national heroes

  • Luanda • Wednesday, 05 February de 2025 | 12h19
Bispo da Diocese do Cuito-Bié, Dom Vicente Sanombo, missa de tomada de posse
Bispo da Diocese do Cuito-Bié, Dom Vicente Sanombo, missa de tomada de posse
Leonardo de Castro-ANGOP

Cuito - The bishop of the Diocese of Cuito - Bié, Dom Vicente Sanombo, emphasised the need to cultivate love and unity among Angolans, in order to prevent social and political conflicts and consolidate the achievements of national heroes.

The Catholic prelate was speaking during the closing Mass of the XIX Diocesan Pastoral Week, held on Tuesday at the Sagrado Coração de Jesus Minor Seminary, on the outskirts of the city, where he alluded to the historical importance of the Day of the Beginning of the National Liberation Struggle (4 February).

Bishop Vicente Sanombo addressed the urgency of preventing social and political conflicts, stressing that this is an essential contribution to the legacy of the 50 years of national independence, which will be marked on 11 November, as the fruit of the sacrifice of national heroes.

Recalling 4 February 1961, he stressed that the date symbolises resistance against humiliation and the search for national identity.

However, he regretted that the conquest, obtained with great sacrifice, was not properly managed, resulting in an armed conflict that he considers one of the greatest misfortunes faced by Angolans after independence.

‘That is why it is imperative that we cultivate love and unity among Angolans more and more, in order to avoid unpleasant situations that could interrupt the normal course of the country as an independent nation, at peace and in development,’ he emphasised.

The lack of love and acceptance between people leads to conflict, which is often not learnt from negative experiences, he warned.

‘We need to cement love between us and recognise that we are members of the same family,’ said Bishop Vicente Sanombo, recommending that political and social differences be seen as riches, not divisions.

The aim of the 19th Diocesan Pastoral Week was to analyse and evaluate the ecclesial life of the Cuito-Bié Diocese and to reflect on the biggest challenges and strategies for dealing with the various problems and improving its mission, which is to evangelise and serve society.

Creation of parishes in the new municipalities among the challenges

In another part of his homily, Bishop Vicente Sanombo highlighted the Church's efforts to organise itself to meet the demands of society, especially the need to expand with the creation of parishes in the 10 new municipalities, created in the light of the country's New Political and Administrative Division.

He emphasised that the creation of new parishes and the respective missionaries in the new municipalities are fundamental to meeting the expectations of the faithful in these places.

He also considered it necessary for everyone to be involved so that the new parishes can be established, promoting an atmosphere of unity and spiritual growth in the communities.

The participants in the XIX Diocesan Pastoral Week, including priests, mothers and lay people, which opened on Monday (03/02), discussed the ministerial priesthood and consecrated life in the light of the documents of the Episcopal Conference of Angola and São Tomé and Príncipe (CEAST) on the triennium, the evaluation of the self-sustainability of the Diocese of Cuito-Bié, prospects for the future, among other topics. VKY/PLB/DAN/DOJ


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