Angola prepares 4th edition of Luanda Biennale

  • Luanda • Wednesday, 19 June de 2024 | 08h15
Audiência entre a ministra de Estado para Área Social, Dalva Ringote(D) e a directora-adjunta da UNESCO, Lídia Brito
Audiência entre a ministra de Estado para Área Social, Dalva Ringote(D) e a directora-adjunta da UNESCO, Lídia Brito
Nelson Malamba - ANGOP

Luanda - A joint working group to define the theme and itinerary for the 4th edition of the Luanda Biennale will be set up in the next few days, the coordinator of the National Management Committee, Diekumpuna José, announced Tuesday in Luanda Province.

He was speaking to the press at the end of an audience granted by the Minister of State for Social Affairs, Dalva Ringote Allen, to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)’s Deputy Director-General for Natural and Exact Science, Lídia Brito, which included the Angolan minister of Education, Luísa Grilo, among other representatives of the organisation.

He disclosed that the next biennale will take place in 2025, so the work of the joint commission should coincide with the 50th anniversary of Angola's independence, to be marked on 11 November.

He spoke of the prospect of the African Union honouring the past and the unprecedented achievements that correspond to Africa's contribution to humanity.

The official said that the structure of the biennial had to do with mobilising young people, especially with conflict prevention and creating a collective mentality among people, with the aim of the new generation evolving towards tolerance, integration and sustaining lasting peace for the continent.

According to the coordinator, the meeting also served to balance the 3rd edition of the Biennale, which will serve as a driving force for the 2025 edition.

For her part, Lídia Brito said that the meeting made it possible to strengthen cooperation with Angola, reiterating its political commitment to the culture of the continent.

She said that she would continue to hold meetings in the coming days in order to explore areas of cooperation, as well as to strengthen the relationship in order to bring technical assistance to the country and take advantage of Angola's good practices for other countries, and vice-versa.

For 2025, she foresaw a greater edition with more impact on peace-building on the African continent and worldwide.


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