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Khoisan Community in Cubango benefits from Kwenda

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  • Luanda • Sunday, 16 March de 2025 | 11h07
Povos Khoisan
Povos Khoisan
José Cachiva - Angop

Savate - More than 200 households from the Khoisan community residing in the municipalities of Calai, Cuangar and Savate, south-east Cubango Province, benefited from the government’s Social Cash Transfer Programme (Kwenda).

In this community, residents in Calai received 132,000 kwanzas, corresponding to four monetary payments, totalling 12 months, while those living in Cuangar and Savate benefited from 66,000 kwanzas, equivalent to two payments, totalling six months in the first phase.

The data was presented to the press last Saturday, at the municipal headquarters of Savate, by the director of the Institute for Local Development (FAS), Zeferino Cavalo, at the end of the first phase of this process that happened in Cubango’s region that borders the Republic of Namibia.

According to the director, one of the important milestones for the families in the San community is the fact that some are already undertaking businesses in the farming sector, thus it is expected that with the increase in social or in-person transfers, this target group can multiply their income.

Zeferino Cavalo, explained that around 400 families have not benefited from their transfers, as they are in Namibia undergoing medical treatment, but they will be able to receive assistance in the next two months, in the second phase of this process.


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