Minister calls for permanent vigilance to avoid cholera in the country

  • Luanda     Saturday, 24 February De 2024    19h06  
Ministra da saúde, Silvia Lutucuta
Ministra da saúde, Silvia Lutucuta
Luísa Henriques-ANGOP

M'Banza Congo - Health Minister Silvia Lutucuta called on to the Zaire province multisectoral teams to remain vigilant, in order to prevent, in Angola, the outbreak of cholera that plagues the Democratic Republic of Congo (RDC).

The Ministerr, who was speaking in the context of a work visit, held last Friday, in this locality, pointed out the province of Zaire as one of the entrance doors of Cholera in the country, taking into account the vulnerability of her border with the neighboring country (RDC).

At the time, she assured that logistics is permanently being prepared so that if a suspicious patient arises, he is diagnosed and treated in a timely manner.

The minister also recalled that, as soon as the situation of cholera he stuck in some countries of the SADC subregion, the sector that directs the surveillance and epidemiological containment measures throughout the national territory.

'We activate the national and provincial committees, which are in permanent surveillance and to disseminate information about the disease through the media,' she said.

Also under the visit, the minister held a meeting with members of the Zaire province government, as well as the construction works of the future general hospital of Zaire, in M'Banza Kongo.

The Zaire province shares a 310 -kilometer border with the Central Congo Region (DRC), 120 kilometers of terrestrial border and 190 kilometers delimited by the Zaire River. Da/PMV/QCB/DOJ

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