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Cholera outbreak - Viana intensifies prevention measures

  • Luanda • Thursday, 09 January de 2025 | 10h29
Fundação entrega meios para prevenção a cólera
Fundação entrega meios para prevenção a cólera
Isalvina Upite-ANGOP

Viana – Viana Municipality's director for health issues, Matondo Alexandre, has informed that an awareness campaign to prevent and combat cholera is taking place since Thursday, Jan 9.

The campaign aims to alert residents to observe disease prevention measures, such as washing hands and boiling water to drink.

Recently, the neighboring municipality of Cacuaco, in Luanda, registered 25 suspected cases of the disease, 5 of which ended in death.

Speaking to ANGOP, the official stressed that, so far, Viana has not registered suspected cases of the disease, however there is the need to intensify prevention measures with groups spread across all neighborhoods.

He mentioned that the teams are made up of technicians from the municipal health department who focus their actions on schools, churches and markets.

Cholera is an infection of the small intestine caused by some strains of the Vibrio cholerae bacteria. Symptoms can range from none, moderate or severe. The classic symptom is a large amount of watery diarrhea lasting a few days. Vomiting and muscle cramps may also occur.


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