Ndalatando - The construction works of the Cuanza-Norte General Hospital has record significant progress but there are some challenges still to overcome related to drinking water supply and wastewater disposal system, Minister of Health, Silvia Lutucuta told press Thursday, in Ndalatando.
The minister, who was speaking at the end of her visit to assess the level of execution of the contract, which began in August 2021, informed that there is a "great deal of work" being done between the contractor and the inspection of the work, in order to install the necessary infrastructures to overcome this problem.
“We are all working together so that the missing infrastructures that are essential for the hospital are installed and do not affect its functioning”, she declared.
The project, which is being built in an area of 15,900 square meters, has an estimated physical completion rate of 76 percent.
Sílvia Lutucuta informed that the areas of external consultations and administration have already been completed, as well as work on installing the gas, electrical system and air treatment networks is underway.
However, she clarified that the operating rooms, Intensive Care Units (ICU), birth areas, morgues and some technical areas still need accelerated work.
Sílvia Lutucuta asserted that many of these areas will need some specific corrections, hence the need for the Ministry of Health to carry out permanent supervision of the work.
Despite these anomalies, she assured, the Executive hopes to place the health unit at the service of the population this year.
The governor of the province, João Diogo Gaspar, who accompanied the visit, was satisfied with the magnitude of the work and stressed that the completion of this health unit will reduce the existing pressure on the province's hospitals.
The leader indicated that the province is struggling with the problem of completing the António Agostinho Neto Provincial Hospital and the Cambambe municipal hospital, as well as the lack of inpatient capacity at the Provincial Maternal and Child Hospital.
“I leave here very satisfied with the visit I made with the Minister of Health, which I was very pleased with and I have hope that better days will come for our population”, he highlighted.
The hospital unit, with a capacity for 200 beds, will provide neonatology, intensive care, orthopedics, obstetrics, surgery, internal medicine, ENT, ophthalmology, dental medicine, psychiatry, gastroenterology, hemodialysis, among others.
In Cuanza-Norte, Sílvia Lutucuta met with members of the provincial government to find out about the local epidemiological situation and visited the Maternal and Child, Sanatorium and Provincial Hospitals. EFM/IMA/VIC/DOJ