Luanda – The Health Ministry has activated the measures recommended by the World Health Organization for the treatment of cholera, following the registration of 25 suspected cases of the disease in Luanda.
According to a press release distributed on Tuesday, the suspected cases, five of which have resulted in deaths, were recently registered in the Cacuaco municipality of Luanda.
It adds that the Ministry of Health is currently implementing measures to disinfect contaminated areas, identify and trace contacts, as well as in-depth epidemiological and laboratory investigations to confirm the suspected cases, which show symptoms of vomiting and watery diarrhea.
According to the press release, the Ministry is mapping and mobilizing activists and mobilizing in the field for an information and awareness campaign to prevent and control the disease.
It is also distributing information, education and communication materials, as well as bleach so that families can disinfect their drinking water, latrines and bathrooms at home.
The Ministry of Health says it will continue to provide information on the epidemiological situation of this disease and calls on society to remain calm and serene, as everything possible is being done to protect the health of the population.
It advises citizens to go immediately to the nearest health unit in case of suspicion.
Cholera is a dangerous and highly contagious disease that causes a lot of watery diarrhea, vomiting and leaves the person very weak.
The disease can kill in a few hours if not treated immediately, and its incubation period ranges from 12 hours to five days.
Cholera is spread by drinking untreated water, eating contaminated food, eating with dirty hands, defecating in the open, or touching a patient or someone who has died from the disease.
Taking into account that cholera is highly contagious and spreads quickly, the Ministry of Health is urging people to take preventive measures, such as washing hands frequently with soap and water, maintaining personal hygiene for the whole family, treating drinking water by adding five drops of bleach to each liter of water and waiting 30 minutes before drinking.
It also urges people to boil drinking water for 20 minutes, wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly with boiled or bleached water before eating, cook food thoroughly and store it tightly covered, not defecate in the open, always use a latrine or toilet, and control flies, cockroaches and rats, among other measures. OHA/AMP