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Cholera Outbreak – vaccination Campaign immunizes over 2,500 in Luinha

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  • Luanda • Tuesday, 18 March de 2025 | 16h41
Autoridades sanitárias imunizam mais de mil cidadãos contra a cólera no Luinha
Autoridades sanitárias imunizam mais de mil cidadãos contra a cólera no Luinha

Ndalatando – More than 2,500 people were vaccinated in the Luinha sector, commune of Canhoca, municipality of Cazengo, Cuanza-Norte Province, during two days of a preventive campaign against the outbreak.

According to the provincial authorities, the campaign began on Monday (17) and allowed the vaccination, on the first day, of 1,927 people from the Luinha sector currently under sanitary cordon due to cholera that has already led to 16 deaths.

According to the health authorities, at halfway of the second day of the campaign, 600 people were already vaccinated.

The cholera outbreak in that area has claimed 16 victims, out of 322 diagnosed cases.

The Luinha Sector has more than three thousand inhabitants.


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A pesquisar. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...