Pesquisando. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...

Ministry of Interior health fair attracts over five hundred people in Bié

  • Luanda • Wednesday, 19 June de 2024 | 14h08

Cuito – More than five hundred citizens, including young people and adults, benefited from free consultations during the first health fair, promoted Wednesday by the Delegation of the Ministry of the Interior in Bié Province.

The action, which took place in the city of Cuito, was part of the celebrations of Ministry of the Interior (MININT)'s 45th anniversary, to be celebrated on the 22nd of the current month.

The population benefited from blood pressure and glucose tests, as well as Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and malaria tests, in addition to various medications and advice on ways to infect and prevent diseases.

The event included the involvement of close to 80 members of staff from the executive bodies of the Delegation of the Ministry of the Interior in the province.

With approximately 2 million inhabitants, the Health sector in Bié controls 188 health institutions, with a total of 4,749 workers, including doctors, nurses, diagnostic and therapeutic technicians and hospital support staff.

At the time, the director of the Inspection Service, superintendent Olímpio Chicuamanga, representing the MININT Provincial Delegate, commissioner Gabriel Francisco Diogo, highlighted the importance of families excelling in preventive health.

Thus, last Tuesday, still within the framework of the anniversary, the staff of the executive bodies of the Minint Delegation in Bié donated 100 bags of blood in the hemotherapy of the Bié Provincial Hospital, aiming to save human lives, especially victims of road accidents, pregnant women working childbirth and children with severe anemia.

The elder Tiago Félix, 63 years old, one of the beneficiaries, praised the gesture of the MININT Delegation, calling on other state and private institutions to promote gender actions.



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A pesquisar. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...