Expert targets breastfeeding as a community health strategy

  • Luanda • Friday, 02 August de 2024 | 10h09
Director da maternidade provincial do Cuando Cubango, Fernando Vicente
Director da maternidade provincial do Cuando Cubango, Fernando Vicente
Maurício Sequesseque

Menongue - The director of the Cuando Cubango provincial maternity hospital, Fernando Vicente, on Thursday defended the need to combine efforts to transform breastfeeding into a community health strategy for the well-being of children.

Speaking to ANGOP on 1 August, the day dedicated worldwide to Breastfeeding, Vicente stressed that the idea is to encourage mothers to guarantee exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months.

He explained that the goal is that the user is accompanied from the first consultation until the birth takes place, ensuring that she is discharged after registering the child and followed up at the post-natal consultation at  childcare center over the course of six months.

This strategy requires the organisation to go out into the community.

 "We not only have some technicians from the provincial maternity hospital, but we also have traditional midwives who are a fundamental element and our partners, civil society organisations and different women's organisations, churches and social activists," he stressed.

He praised the partnership of the media, especially ANGOP, in complementing dissemination and raising awareness, guaranteeing information on healthy practices and changing behaviour to adopt ever better health.

August 1 is celebrated worldwide as Breastfeeding Day. The focus of the date is on the importance of breast milk as the main and most complete type of nutrition for babies. MSM/ALK/FF/DAN/AMP

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