Pesquisando. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...

Benguela Ophthalmological Center assists over 50,000 patients

  • Luanda • Sunday, 29 December de 2024 | 08h46
Campanha de cirurgia à Catarata
Campanha de cirurgia à Catarata

Benguela - The Ophthalmological Center of the Benguela General Hospital assisted, this year (2024), 55,000 patients from all over the country, as well as from the Democratic Republic of Congo and Zambia, ANGOP learned.

Although it did not provide the results of the previous year, its director, Kapucula António, expressed his satisfaction with the result achieved.

'We operate on a monthly average, this year, 3,600 patients, with cataract being the most frequent surgery, given that it is one of the causes of irreversible blindness', he said.

According to the doctor, the Center has invested a lot in this surgery, improving itself with each passing day, as it is the most frequent in the world.

'It's been about three or four years since we operated on children. We started with a family from Huambo, with five blind members and from there we never stopped', the doctor said.

According to their records, this year, between 60 and 80 children who suffered from congenital cataracts were operated on and the prospect is to increase the flow.

'We also perform surgeries for glaucoma and eye tumors', he informed.

Still in relation to glaucoma, Kapucula António said it was a free surgery to facilitate patients.

'Many of them have already abandoned consultations, treatment and medication due to difficulties in acquiring drugs, as they are costly', he explained.

To overcome this constraint, according to the director, it was thought appropriate to invest in this area, making them return to consultations.

'They are patients cataloged and followed. We are also working a lot with hypertensive and diabetic patients', he said, adding that this year the Center was able to acquire a retinal lazer device, to be able to treat patients with diabetic retinopathy.

Regarding the consultations, he said they were reimbursed, with a modest value, although he did not reveal it.

'The patient arrives, makes his appointment online or in person and then pays the fee via RUPE (Single Reference of Payment to the State). There will only be another reimbursement in case it is operated, because it will have other costs', he clarified.

As for the medication, he said it was free.

The Benguela Ophthalmological Center has clinical retina, glaucoma, ocplasty, clinical analysis laboratory and internal medicine services, among others. TC/CRB/DOJ

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A pesquisar. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...