Luanda – A total of 126 new cases of cholera were registered in the last 24 hours in the provinces of Luanda, Cuanza-Norte, Bengo, Benguela, Malanje, Icolo & Bengo and Cabinda.
According to the Ministry of Health's information bulletin, which provides daily updates on cholera cases in the country, 7 deaths also occurred in the last 24 hours, being 4 in Cuanza-Norte, 2 in Luanda and one in Bengo.
According to the report, out of the 126 registered cases, 44 pop out from Luanda, 34 from Cuanza Norte, 22 from Bengo, 12 from Benguela, 7 from Malanje, 4 from Icolo & Bengo and 3 from Cabinda.
During the aforementioned period, 171 people were discharged from hospital and 249 patients are under treatment.
The most affected people range in age between 2 and 100 years old, of which 4,108 (55%) are male.
Since the beginning of the outbreak in Jan, a cumulative total of 7,410 cases have been reported, of which 3,832 were in Luanda, 2,325 in Bengo, 754 in Icolo & Bengo, 144 in Malanje, 119 in Benguela, 102 in Cuanza-Norte, 34 in Zaire, 33 in Cuanza-Sul, 25 in Cabinda, 18 in Huambo, 15 in Uíge, 7 in Huíla, while Cunene and Cubango reported 1 each.
A sum of 282 deaths have occurred, of which 141 in Luanda, 90 in Bengo, 19 in Icolo & Bengo, 18 in Cuanza-Norte, 6 in Benguela, 4 in Malanje, 2 in Cuanza-Sul, 1 in Zaire and 1 in Cabinda.