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Angola's Vice-President addresses effects of climate change

  • Luanda • Wednesday, 30 August de 2023 | 20h14
Vice-President addresses climate change with PAWO representatives
Vice-President addresses climate change with PAWO representatives
Pedro Parente-ANGOP

Luanda - The Vice-President of the Republic, Esperança da Costa, addressed this Wednesday, in Luanda, the threats arising from climate change with the aim of mitigating it in Southern Africa.

Esperança da Costa spoke about the subject when receiving the Namibian deputy minister for Gender Equality, Poverty Eradication and Wellbeing and representative of the Pan-African Organization of Women (PAWO) in Namibia, Bernadette Maria Jagger, and the secretary general of Women's Organization and PAWO representative in Mozambique, Mariazinha Muquiesse.

The two representatives are in Angola to participate in the first regional conference on climate change, taking place on Thursday, under the theme “the resilience of African women: the contribution to the agriculture sector for adapting to climate change”, in an initiative of the PAWO General Secretariat

Speaking to the press, at the end of the courtesy meeting, Bernadette Jagger said that she discussed, with the Angolan Vice-President, issues such as mitigating threats arising from climate change.

“As part of the conference we are promoting in Angola, this is a unique opportunity for us, as women, to debate these climate-related issues. Because of climate change, we are identifying similar issues among Southern African countries and looking for ways to solve them with greater precision”, she said.

According to the person responsible, at Namibian level, women are also very engaged in solving issues arising from climate change.

On the issue of gender equality, the deputy minister for Gender Equality, Poverty Eradication and Welfare of Namibia said that women are very committed to equal treatment, demonstrating their skills and abilities.

For her part, the secretary general of the Women's Organization and PAWO representative in Mozambique, Mariazinha Muquiesse, thanked the support provided by Angola and expressed her willingness to exchange experiences with other countries, in order to find solutions to mitigate this phenomenon.

“Each person has a type of phenomenon that afflicts them. Some are drought, others are cyclones, floods or windstorms and, therefore, we want to exchange experiences to mitigate this situation”, she highlighted.

Reiterating that Mozambique has suffered from floods in recent years, despite the efforts of the Government of this African country, Mariazinha Muquiesse stated that climate change affects the entire world.

On the other hand, the Mozambican representative spoke of the need to fight domestic violence, as an evil that ruins families.

The conference will be held at the Armed Forces Museum, with the participation of the Vice-President of the Republic, Esperança da Costa.

The Pan-African Women's Organization integrates 55 countries on the continent, has worked with the African Union, thus influencing the implementation of the status of women on the continent and the Maputo Protocol, which deals with women's empowerment.

Among other actions, PAWO proposes to support African women victims of political conflicts, to ensure the defence and protection of girls and victims of terrorism and armed conflicts. OHA/ADR/CF/jmc

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