Pesquisando. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...

MPs discuss systematising Draft Law on Freedom of Assembly, Demonstration

  • Luanda • Monday, 03 July de 2023 | 16h25
Members of National Assembly
Members of National Assembly

Luanda - National Assembly (AN) members Monday in Luanda agreed on systematisation of the Draft Law on Freedom of Assembly and Demonstration, proposed by the opposition UNITA party.

This was during a debate in the specialty on Draft Law, after the previous session held in general terms that approved the document with 172 votes in favour, none against and no abstentions.

Mihaela Webba, of UNITA party, said from now on the document will contain a preamble and four chapters.

The first chapter will deal with general provisions, the second with freedom of assembly, the third with freedom of demonstration and the fourth on final and transitory provisions.

In turn, the MPLA MP, António Paulo, explained that the exclusion of entities of collective nature derives from the nature of the Law, stating that the "article 47 of the Constitution is clear, as it deals with the right of assembly and demonstration of citizens".

He reiterated that "these are rights or freedoms to be used by citizens in the framework of the exercise of citizenship and civic participation". He added that the freedom of assembly and demonstration when staged in public places require prior notification.

The law, which began to be discussed on Monday, with 20 articles, scraps the Law 16/91 of 11 May - Law on the Right of Assembly and Demonstration, currently in force.

The specialty discussion, which continues in the coming days, is an important stage in the legislative process as it serves to analyse and debate in detail and specific provisions of the bill.  VIC/SC/ADR/DAN/NIC

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A pesquisar. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...