Supreme Court and Financial Intelligence Unit sign cooperation protocol

  • Luanda • Wednesday, 29 May de 2024 | 14h34
Tribunal Supremo e UIF assinam acordo de cooperação
Tribunal Supremo e UIF assinam acordo de cooperação
Joaquina Bento-ANGOP

Luanda - A Protocol of Cooperation and Technical Assistance was signed on Wednesday between the Supreme Court (TS) and the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU), within the scope of the Prevention and Combating of Money Laundering.

The document encompasses the fight against the financing of terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction under Article 25 of Presidential Decree No. 2/18 of January, which approves the Organic Statute of the FIU and the Supervisory Committee.

On the occasion, the president of the Supreme Court, Joel Leonardo, said that the protocol will serve to materialize the principles that guide the essence of the institution in the context of the fight against corruption.

'Collaborate within the scope of the separation of powers and the independence of functions with those of more bodies, for a greater fluidity of information on the phenomena related to the fight against economic crimes', he stressed.

Joel Leonardo added that the legislative branch will bring new legal figures to allow the prevention and combat of financial flows.

He said that the TS is a safe partner and that it will do to implement the clauses contained in the protocol and that it will allow citizens and institutions to provide a relevant service for the stability of the economy in Angola and in the lives of the population.

On the other hand, the director-general of the UIF, Gilberto Capeça, explained that with the signing of this document it will be possible to define a set of obligations aimed at strengthening the National System for the Prevention and Combat of Underlying Criminal Practices.

This system, he stressed, has as its main topics, the exchange of information, the obligations to report suspicious transactions and technical assistance, established in the agreement.

He said that the protocol is an instrument of cooperation, of capital interest for both institutions, as it will establish the mechanisms and requirements for the exchange of information and ensure the training of staff.

He also said that he will allow technical assistance to TS staff in these matters, in order to address some of the deficiencies identified in the Mutual Evaluation Report of Angola, with the sector under the aegis of that institutional department. FMA/VIC/DOJ

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