Supreme Court denies alleged purchase of shopping cards for judges

  • Luanda • Saturday, 10 June de 2023 | 14h21
Supreme Court
Supreme Court
Pedro Parente-ANGOP

Luanda - The Supreme Court (ST) on Saturday denied that it has allegedly acquired and allocated shopping cards for judges worth 760, 000 kwanzas each per month, ANGOP has learnt from a statement issued by the court.

The statement adds that the Supreme Court said "there is no tender procedure for the acquisition of shopping cards for judges, with that amount, as reported by the Novo Jornal newspaper”.

It stresses that no counselor-judge will be awarded a purchasing card worth 760,000 kwanzas, underlining that the amounts disclosed by Novo Jornal are of the newspaper’s sole responsibility and unknown to the court.

In its Wednesday edition, Novo Jornal said that the presiding judge  of the TS, Joel Leonardo, authorized a limited tender by invitation for the acquisition of supermarket cards to be distributed to counselor judges, in the amount of 760,000 kwanzas/month.

According to the TS, what is underway is a tender procedure for the supply of groceries and other foodstuffs to meet the overall needs of the judicial body, considering the activities planned for 2023, within the budget available for this purpose, through a Framework Agreement. 

The TS reports that, as stated in article 168, Law 41/20 of December 23 (Public Contracts Law), the Contracting Public Entities may enter into Framework Agreements to regulate future contractual relations by fixing in advance the respective terms and conditions.

It adds that the procedure obeys the rules imposed by the Public Contracts Law in effect, and will allow the celebration of Public Supply Contracts, avoiding the State's indebtedness with such suppliers. 

According to the TS, the values in the communication sent to the National Public Procurement Service are "estimated values" and are subject to adjustment by this institution.

The statement informs that within the scope of the mechanisms for the transparent management of state resources of the approved 2023 State Budget, it has sent its definitive Annual Contracting Plan (PAC) to the National Public Contracting Service (SNCP). 

It states, however, that this is not the first time that contracting for this expense has been carried out. "This is a regular contracting, which now, in the framework of the transfer of the management of the treasury, this contractual procedure and others are publicized in the  portal."

The Supreme Court called for the exercise of journalistic activity with the responsibility that it imposes, with the aim to safeguard the honor, good name and reputation of the Public Institutions.

"The Supreme Court regrets the fabrication of news by some media organs of the country, tending to tarnish the good name of this Supreme Court and its President, in a posture that does nothing to dignify such organs," reads the statement. DC/VM/Amp/jmc

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