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Court of Auditors holds commemorative week for its 23rd anniversary

  • Luanda • Tuesday, 09 April de 2024 | 11h59
Luanda: Justice Palace, housing high courts
Luanda: Justice Palace, housing high courts
Rosário dos Santos

Luanda - The Court of Auditors (TC) is holding the opening ceremony of the week commemorating the 23rd anniversary of its institutionalisation, to be marked on 12 April.

According to a press release to which ANGOP had access on Tuesday, the motto of the activity is "Promoting Transparency and Accountability in Public Finances" and it will address issues related to the mission, vision and values of this sovereign body.

Highlights include "Concomitant Inspection: results and benefits", to be lectured by the President of the Portuguese Court of Auditors, José Tavares, the "Control of the General State Budget and its implementation by the Court of Auditors", to be given by Judge Elisa Rangel Nunes, as well as "The Experience of the Brazilian Court of Auditors in the Supervision of Public Policies", to be presented by the Minister Counsellor of the Brazilian Court of Auditors, Benjamim Zymler, and "Good Practices in Budget Execution", by the Minister of Finance, Vera Daves de Sousa.

The solemn opening ceremony will be presided over by the Judge President of the Court of Auditors, Sebastião Gunza, who as host will give the welcome speech.

The Angolan Court of Auditors is the supreme body for supervising the legality of public finances and its mission is to supervise the legality of financial and administrative management acts of the State and other public and private institutions determined by the law with the aim to ensure the proper use of public resources for the benefit of Angolan citizens.


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