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João Lourenço returns home after state visit to Oman

  • Luanda • Saturday, 21 December de 2024 | 16h24
PR regressa a Luanda depois de uma visita oficial ao Sultanato de Omã
PR regressa a Luanda depois de uma visita oficial ao Sultanato de Omã
Joaquina Bento-ANGOP

Luanda – The Angolan Head of State, João Lourenço, arrived in the country’s capital this Saturday, after carrying out an official 48-hour visit to the Sultanate of Oman, in the Middle East.

At the 4 de Fevereiro International airport, in Luanda, and sided by First Lady Ana Dias Lourenço, the Angolan statesman was welcomed back by the Vice President, Esperança da Costa, and other personalities.

The visit of President João Lourenço was due to an invitation from the sultan, Haitham bin Tariq Al Said, and resulted in the signing of four agreements, which are added to the three signed in Luanda, in May this year, when the partnership was born, which cover the result expected on this trip.


The Head of State arrived in Muscat on Thursday, the day marked by the official reception by the sultan, followed by a private meeting between them.


Haitham bin Tariq Al Said and João Lourenço highlighted the way in which cooperation between Oman and Angola is developing, with effective and high-impact actions taking place without delays or obstacles.


The two Heads of State highlighted among other examples, the entry of Oman into diamond production in Angola, both in Catoca and Luele mining society and the authorization, by the Angolan authorities, for the opening of a sultanate bank in Angola, with the aim of making business between both countries.

Meanwhile, Angola and Oman are already planning to discuss, in the coming weeks, more legal instruments to implement what was agreed during conversations between the parties.

When speaking about João Lourenço's visit, Foreign minister, Téte António, informed that a Reciprocal Protection Agreement for investments and another one was to be signed to avoid double taxation.

The minister said that to facilitate the free movement of people, the parties immediately agreed to sign an agreement on visa waiver on diplomatic and service passports.

He informed that, afterwards, it will also be necessary to facilitate the movement of businesspeople, who do not hold this type of passport.

Téte António pointed out that Angola already has mechanisms for this purpose and Oman also agrees, to facilitate the fluidity of cooperation.

The minister also mentioned that all these intentions indicate that President João Lourenço's visit was positive, as it strengthened even further the desire of both States to get closer.

In May of this year, the two states signed, in Luanda, three cooperation agreements in the financial, agricultural and manufacturing fields, which marked the start of cooperation.

It was the first visit of an official delegation from the Sultanate of Oman to Angola, thus generating expectations regarding closer relations of friendship and cooperation between the two States in the areas under agreement, as well as in other fields of mutual interest. VIC/jmc

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