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Summary of president João Lourenço State of the Nation Address

  • Luanda • Tuesday, 15 October de 2024 | 14h25
Mensagem sobre o Estado da Nação do Presidente da República, João Lourenço
Mensagem sobre o Estado da Nação do Presidente da República, João Lourenço
Pedro Parente-ANGOP

Luanda – President João Lourenço delivered Tuesday in Luanda the State of the Nation with a focus on resolving various issues and to promote the well-being of Angolans.

In his speech, lasting around two hours, he said that the fact that in the last two quarters of the current year the national economy registered 4.3% growth encourages the government to move forward with optimism.

Health and Education

In the health field, he indicated that investments in infrastructure at the three levels of the National Health Service are on track, with the construction, rehabilitation and equipping of several health units.

"As a result of this transformation, of the more than 30 million medical consultations carried out by the end of the first half of 2024, around 73% correspond to primary health care", he said.

The president underlined that in the coming days the Hospital Geral do Cuanza-Sul, named after Commander Raúl Diaz Arguelles, will be inaugurated, and in November the Hospital Geral do Cuanza-Norte, named after the Angolan nationalist Mário Pinto de Andrade.

João Lourenço explained that the aim is to have a solid National Health Service capable of meeting the needs of Angolans.

In relation to education, the president said the government will continue to mobilize resources to improve the training of children and young people across the country.

The president underscored that in the current academic year, 80 new schools have been added, increasing to 729 new classrooms, out of the existing 270,000.

João Lourenço clarified that the current academic year will have 237,689 more students compared to the previous one, increasing the number of students enrolled in general education to 9.2 million, with a total of 1.6 600 entering  for the first time in the school system.

He spoke of the ongoing training of teachers and the recruitment of new ones, school meals, the increase in portfolios and the end of illiteracy, among other points.

Joaõ Lourenço considered it important to improve the quality of education so that the staff is capable of promoting the country's sustainable development.

Higher education

The president praised the program to send 300 graduates and masters to reference Universities, which has already begun to bear fruit, highlighting that "15 doctors completed their training in various specialties at the University of São Paulo, in Brazil".

Depending on financial availability, Lourenço said, the government is also building and equipping several University Campuses.


Regarding employability, the Head of State said the unemployment rate stays at (22.2%) especially among young people, highlighting that 292,689 people benefited from net jobs in Angola in recent years, as a result of measures to stimulate the economy.

Lourenço explained that a National Employment Fund has been institutionalized, with an initial budget of 21 billion kwanzas to support varied initiatives. 

The president announced the review of the legislation applicable to crimes against minors, which will add tougher penalties to those who commit serious acts capable of compromising the future of children.

In relation to women's empowerment, João Lourenço said the government will continue to recognize and praise the role of this group in society and support their initiatives.   

The president praised the contribution of family farming, which has helped the growth of national production.

Lourenço said the 2023/2024 agricultural year recorded a global agricultural production of 28 million tons, representing a 13.1% growth compared to the previous year.


Regarding the family, the fight against poverty, basic social protection and the inclusion of social groups in vulnerable situations, the president highlighted the Kwenda Program, which plays a central role and has a multiplier effect in the promotion of local development.

To this end, the president announced the extension of the program for another five years, after approval by the World Bank of more than 400 million US dollars in support, taking into account the positive effects and rigor in the accounts.

The president praised the national sport, with emphasis on the various medals achieved in the last 12 months, especially in fighting disciplines, supporting the increase of 70,000 federated athletes, resulting from the growth of national competitions in various age groups.


In the Head of State's view, development must also be linked to the creation of infrastructure, with emphasis on energy, water, roads, ports, airports, railways, housing, education, health and telecommunications.

Lourenço said roads are an important factor in reducing regional asymmetries, which has led the government to pay particular attention to this aspect, having listed in detail the national and provincial roads that are being rehabilitated to improve citizens' mobility.

The president highlighted the progress made in the energy and water sectors, which are having a significant impact on the lives of populations, underlining the broad rural electrification program underway to supply electricity to the countryside with the use of photovoltaic energy in several provinces.

João Lourenço considered the supply of water to the population to be critical, highlighting the construction, rehabilitation and expansion of water supply systems in the country's capital, which are expected to supply seven million people.

Economic diplomacy

According to João Lourenço, economic diplomacy continues to be the core of the country’s cross-border policy to attract foreign direct investment, having encouraged exports and the gradual internationalization of Angolan companies.

To this end, he continued, in 2025, Angola will host the 12th United States of America-Africa Business Summit, an important milestone in economic diplomacy and an excellent opportunity to promote business partnerships.

Defense and Security

The President guaranteed that despite being a country of peace, Angola does not neglect its territorial integrity.

The Angolan Armed Forces (FAA), the president said, continues to be the bulwark of national defense and is in permanent readiness and preparation to defend the country's sovereignty.

João Lourenço said the FAA Restructuring Program is progressing at a good pace, as well as the adequacy of its system of forces and the country's military device to allow a gradual resizing and establish the quantity of military personnel necessary to fulfill its objectives in missions.

Lourenço announced that around 240 million US dollars of State resources will be allocated for the years 2025 and 2026 to the Demining Program, with the aim to eliminate anti-personnel mines and other explosive devices from the national territory, so that the country can be declared mine-free in 2027.


Lourenço said the public security situation is stable thanks to the crackdown on crime levels, including violent crime, highlighting that the number of personnel in the National Police will be increased and trained to improve the assistance they provide.

Compared to the same period last year, Lourenço said, there is a significant decrease in crimes, although this situation does not hide the weaknesses that still exist and the work that must continue to be done for the country's public security.

João Lourenço defended special attention to the crimes of fuel smuggling, illegal exploitation of mineral resources and vandalizing of public property.

"These types of crimes are causing enormous damage to our economy and harming all citizens," he said.

The perpetrators, the buyers of the theft proceeds, but above all the instigators and promoters, must be exemplarily punished, Lourenço said.

He accused that some of those involved in these types of crimes "are politicians and parliamentarians", who have an obligation to defend the law and the public asset.

National Independence

João Lourenço recalled that Angola will celebrate 50 years of independence in 2025, a milestone to serve as a profound reflection, a tribute to national heroes, an exaltation of common history and love for the country.

"Independence represents the reaffirmation of our freedom and our dignity as human beings. Many of the best children of our country spared no effort, even giving their lives, so that today we can be a sovereign and independent State", Lourenço said.

In the end, he left an appeal to all Angolans to join the national effort and the example of millions of compatriots who daily, with their selfless work for the country, show their love for their country. VIC/AMP

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A pesquisar. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...