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Penitentiary Services to produce schools supplies

  • Luanda • Saturday, 25 January de 2025 | 19h17
Visita do ministro do interior ao Bengo
Visita do ministro do interior ao Bengo

Caxito – The Minister of the Interior, Manuel Homem, said, this Saturday, that the Caboxa Penitentiary Establishment can be enhanced to produce desks and supply them to schools.

Manuel Homem suggests that, for this purpose, part of the wood seized throughout the country be delivered to the Penitentiary Services to manufacture desks for the education system.

The minister said that, with this wood, the Penitentiary Services could also manufacture furniture to improve the operating conditions of bodies dependent on Minint.

The official believes that the agricultural and arts and crafts projects of the Penitentiary Services can be solutions to not put pressure on the General State Budget.

“As you know, the criminal population is still high and their needs still represent a strong dependence on our general State Budget at the level of Minint”, he highlighted at the end of the visit to the Caboxa Penitentiary facilities, in the province of Bengo.

He highlighted that the Penitentiary Services have a training and social reintegration program for inmates that aims to create conditions so that inmates can leave prison better than they entered.

In Bengo, the Minister of the Interior visited the Suavi Caprós project, managed by the Minint Social Protection Fund, aimed at agricultural production that produces around 35 tons of several products.

“Here we have Suavi Caprós, which in partnership with the Caboxa prison, is developing different agricultural products that are used for sales and part of these resources are then invested in staff and inmates' meal, as well as in improving the prison system.

He said that the objective of these agricultural programs is to improve the diet for prisoners and the surplus to be sold and thus be able to better manage the penitentiary system.

He left guidelines to the Penitentiary Service and partner entities to carry out different projects that should create conditions of sustainability and that this represents not a reduction in the costs that the State makes available to services, but that efficiency can also solve a problem that the State has been working on improving the Angolans diet. CJ/PA/CF/DOJ

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A pesquisar. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...