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“Resistance of Cuito Cuanavale heroes should inspire youth” – Deputy Governor

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  • Luanda • Saturday, 22 March de 2025 | 10h21
Vice-governadora do Zaire, Ângela Diogo
Vice-governadora do Zaire, Ângela Diogo
David Augusto-ANGOP

Mbanza-Kongo – The northern Zaire Province’s Deputy Governor for Technical Services and Infrastructure, Ângela Diogo, stated on Friday (21), in the town of Tomboco, that the sacrifice, determination and spirit of resistance shown by the heroes of the Cuito Cuanavale Battle should continue to inspire the current generation, in transforming challenges into opportunities for the country's socioeconomic development.

When speaking at the provincial ceremony held in advance to mark March 23, Southern Africa Liberation Day, on behalf of Governor Adriano Mendes de Carvalho, the leader stressed that the achievements of this heroic deed by Cuito Cuanavale continue to be the driving force behind the Angolan Executive in implementing several projects with a social impact for the population's benefit.

“The best way to honour all those who sacrificed their lives for the liberation of the southern region of our continent is to continue to implement actions of public interest for the well-being of all Angolans”, he asserted.

She stressed that the Provincial Govt is committed to building more infrastructure in several areas, mainly in the education, health, energy, water and communication sectors.

Ângela Diogo also highlighted the young people's academic and professional training for their insertion in the job market as one of the local government's priorities.

Invited to speak on the topic “The impact of the Battle of Cuito Cuanavale on the liberation of Southern Africa”, historian Mouzinho Raimundo Makiesse said that the event marked the end of conflicts and the consequent independence of many countries in the southern region of the continent.

He stressed that one of the major milestones of the Cuito Cuanavale's Battle was the end of the segregationist political regime of apartheid, which was in force in South Africa between 1948 and 1992.

Held under the motto “Angola 50 years: preserving and valuing the feats, building a better future”, the event, which took place at the cinema club in the town of Tomboco, was attended by the vice-governor of Zaire for the Political, Social and Economic sector, Afonso Nzolameso, former combatants, members of the government, students, traditional and religious authorities, among other guests.

The Cuito Cuanavale Battle was a military confrontation that took place between Nov 15, 1987 and March 23, 1988 and is considered the largest battle of the Angolan civil war and the longest on the African continent since the WWII.


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