Ombuds Office registers increase in complaints

  • Luanda • Thursday, 08 August de 2024 | 09h34
Chefe do serviço provincial da Provedoria de justiça do Cunene, Eusébio Vaenduanawa
Chefe do serviço provincial da Provedoria de justiça do Cunene, Eusébio Vaenduanawa
Pedro Manuel-ANGOP

Ondjiva – A sum of 475 cases including complaints and reports were registered in the first half of this year, by the Ombuds Services in the province of Cunene, 304 more compared to the previous period.

According to Eusébio Wandanawa, the head of the Ombuds Service in Cunene, who informed ANGOP in Ondjiva on Thursday, the most frequent cases are related to land conflicts, labor actions and procedural delays.

He added that complaints and denunciations tend to increase, due to the high level of legal awareness among citizens, given the reinforcement of awareness-raising actions about the role of the justice ombuds Office in society.

Eusébio Wandanawa explained that the complaints resulted in the opening of 236 cases, of which 84 were resolved, 12 were sent to the central body and 143 cases are being worked.

He recalled that the most targeted institutions are the Attorney General's Office (PGR), the Criminal Investigation Service (SIC), National Police, the National Social Security Institute (INSS) and the Savings and Credit Bank (BPC).

He justified that the most worrying cases are linked to the slowness in processing cases, especially pensions for deaths, which often take between two and three years be solved.

Eusébio Vaenduanawa called on citizens to always seek the services of the ombudsman in order to have their interests defended when they are in conflict with the law.

The Ombudsman's Office is an independent institution whose objective is to defend the rights, freedoms and guarantees of citizens, ensuring justice and legality in Public Administration.


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