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Angolan President wants more US investments in Africa

  • Luanda • Tuesday, 07 May de 2024 | 16h56
Presidente João Lourenço discursa na 16ª Cimeira Empresarial EUA-África
Presidente João Lourenço discursa na 16ª Cimeira Empresarial EUA-África

Dallas – The President of the Republic of Angola, João Lourenço, stated on Tuesday, in Dallas, Texas, that Africa relies greatly on the new US partnership to provide financial means for the construction of infrastructures that needs for its development.

Speaking at the opening of the 16th U.S.-Africa Business Summit, he said this event is an opportunity to reflect on business opportunities and prospects between the U.S. and the African continent.

In this perspective, the Angolan statesman highlighted the timeliness of the summit, which takes place at a time when the parties are fully aware of their potential and have been intensifying dialogue to strengthen bilateral and multilateral cooperation.

According to the President, the meeting takes place in a context in which the USA, with its industrial development and capacity for technological innovation, and Africa with its natural resources, young population and expanding market, are positioned as unavoidable partners to face the great challenges of food security, energy, environmental protection, international trade and the global economy.

He recalled that this initiative follows the Summit of African Leaders and the US, held in December 2022 in Washington, whose conclusions opened encouraging prospects for the intensification of economic cooperation between the US and Africa, especially in the chapter of building essential infrastructure for the economic and social development of the continent.

During his speech, João Lourenço assured that African leaders have been making efforts to achieve the silencing of weapons on the continent, combat terrorism, unconstitutional changes of power and promote democracy.

He stated that they are equally committed to creating a good business environment, to increasingly attract private investment, to create wealth and employment for their populations.

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