National Assembly Speaker highlights parliamentary diplomacy achievements

  • Luanda • Thursday, 01 August de 2024 | 20h02
Presidente da Assembleia Nacional, Carolina Cerqueira
Presidente da Assembleia Nacional, Carolina Cerqueira
Joaquina Bento - ANGOP

Luanda – The National Assembly (AN) Speaker, Carolina Cerqueira, highlighted on Thursday, at the solemn plenary meeting, in honor of the President of the Democratic Republic of Madagascar, Andry Rajoelina, the feats achieved in parliamentary diplomacy in the current legislature, at the level of the African continent and in other parts of the world.

On the occasion, Carolina Cerqueira highlighted the AN's adhesion, in June this year, to the Association of Francophonie Parliaments, which responds to the geopolitical challenges that Angolan deputies embrace in the global context alongside French-speaking countries.

She mentioned that the house of laws has also developed broad parliamentary diplomacy within the scope of national monitoring groups, in SADC-PF, the Great Lakes Region (GLR), the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP) and as a member of the Pan- African.

At the IPU (Inter-Parliamentary Union) level, she highlighted the fact that Angola had carved its name in the history of World Parliamentarism by hosting, in October 2023, the 147th Assembly of the Organization, which brought together more than 150 representatives from parliaments around the world.

Within the scope of the legislative function, the AN Speaker highlighted the approval of the Resolution that engaged the Angolan military contingent that was part of the SADC military component of the “peace keeping” process for the Republic of Mozambique.

In the same path, she highlighted the approval of the Resolutions on the Ratification of the SADC Protocol on Environmental Management for Development, Fisheries, Health, Control of Firearms, Ammunition and other related material, Youth in the Regional Organization, Tourism, as well as for Statistics.

Carolina Cerqueira also highlighted that the Angolan Parliament occupies a central place in the development of the State and in representing the aspirations, challenges and legitimate expectations of citizens. “There are many challenges that Angola faces in promoting and consolidating peace and democracy”.

“Therefore, the development, the human dignity, the primacy of law and equal opportunities for all, indiscriminately, are the main challenges for the representatives of the Angolan people that we proudly represent”, she highlighted.

During her intervention, Carolina Cerqueira highlighted that the Malagasy president's visit represents a gesture of fraternal friendship that unites the two peoples and countries, which despite being geographically separated, are culturally linked by sharing the same values, uses, customs of the rich African culture, the idiosyncrasy of citizens who desire peace, tolerance and fraternity for the good of all.

“These values expressed in the main regulatory instruments of SADC mean that our people and countries share common objectives in the field of regional development through permanent political consultation, economic cooperation and defense of the interests of each of the member countries in the pursuit of the ideals of organization”, she highlighted.

According to the parliamentarian, political stability, security, solidarity, regional integration, economic cooperation, defense of the interests of each country through a common positioning in the global context of emerging, continental issues, such as climate change, democratization, recovery financial and conflict mediation for the normality of constitutional stability remain valid.

The head of the Angolan parliament concluded saying that “The republics of Madagascar and Angola contain specificities that intersect in an enormous wealth of historical-cultural matrices that we must preserve and explore through effective cooperation in different areas, so that we can leave secure foundations for the young generations to strengthen our nations”. LDN/SC/CF/DOJ

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