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PRA-JA to hold I Congress in May

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  • Luanda • Tuesday, 18 March de 2025 | 20h08
Líder do PRA-JA, Abel Chivukuvuku
Líder do PRA-JA, Abel Chivukuvuku
Zeferino Zinga-ANGOP

Huambo – The leader of the Angolan Renaissance Party -Together for Angola (PRA-JA), Abel Chivukuvuku, announced on Tuesday (18) in the province of Huambo that the I Congress of this new political party will be held in May, this year.

In short, during a consultation with citizens of the province of Huambo, Abel Chivukuvuku reported that a meeting of the members of the provisional steering committee will take place next Wednesday (March 26) in Luanda, which will call the Congress for May.

The PRA-JA politician said that the short-term agenda will be to comply with the directive of the Constitutional Court, which directs the holding of the first party congress in three months.

He continued, noting that in the medium term, the focus will be on the growth and structuring of the political-party organization, at a time when the pre-election campaign is scheduled for 2026.

Abel Chivukuvuku reiterated, in his speech, that, in 2027, PRA-JÁ will either be the government or part of it.

He asked the Executive to work on recovering the population's purchasing power, on the employability of young people and on strengthening democracy, because, in the context of the 50th anniversary of National Independence, to be celebrated on Nov 11th, citizens need to be more empowered and happy, for social well-being.

After two days of work in the province of Huambo, the politician was received in an audience on Monday by the provincial governor, Pereira Alfredo.

PRA-JA, founded on August 2, 2019, in the city of Luanda, was legalized by the Constitutional Court on October 7, 2024.


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