Angolan Head of the State in solidarity with victims of the landslide in Ethiopia

  • Luanda • Thursday, 25 July de 2024 | 20h03
Presidente da República, João Lourenço
Presidente da República, João Lourenço
Pedro Parente-ANGOP

Luanda - Angolan President João Lourenço expressed his condolences on Thursday to the families of the more than 250 fatal victims of the landslide that occurred in southern Ethiopia, following heavy rains that fell over the region.

João Lourenço's message of condolence was sent to the President of Ethiopia, Sahle-Work Zewde, following the landslides that occurred in the Gofa area, between Sunday and Monday, which affected thousands of people.

Landslides in southern Ethiopia have caused unprecedented devastation, bringing the death toll to 257, with up to 500 people expected in the coming days, according to local authorities and the United Nations.

Geological studies indicate that Ethiopia is particularly vulnerable to landslides during the rainy season, an event that ranks as the deadliest in the country's recent history.

The tragedy had a profound impact on the local population. According to the UN, these people are at high risk of facing new landslides.

Among those affected are at least 1,320 children under the age of five and 5,293 pregnant or breastfeeding women. ART/DOJ

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