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President João Lourenço praises services paid during Joe Biden's visit

  • Luanda • Wednesday, 11 December de 2024 | 18h23
Presidente João Lourenço (à dir.) com homólogo dos EUA, Joe Biden
Presidente João Lourenço (à dir.) com homólogo dos EUA, Joe Biden

Luanda – President João Lourenço on Wednesday praised aides to the Executive Power, public administration and private companies, collective and singular figures and the entire Angolan people for the services paid and civic behavior assumed during the visit of the US president Joe Biden.

This was expressed in a note of recognition read by the director of the Office for Strategic Study and Analysis of the Military Office of the President of the Republic, Norberto Garcia, during a meeting of the Technical Group of the Organizing Committee of the US President's visit.

Norberto Garcia said the visit highlighted the high level of organization of the country's administrative services, reinforcing its image and its recognition as a reliable partner.

‘For this reason, I commend the solemn and cordial way in which the 72-hour visit to our country by the Presidential Delegation to the provinces of Luanda and Benguela took place,’ Garcia said.

According to the Head of State, it is also fair to recognize that the success of President Joe Biden's visit, in addition to its political significance, represents yet another victory in the country's 50-year history of independence.

‘I would therefore like to express my pride and satisfaction at the effectiveness and efficiency of the work carried out by all the collective and individual people, both public and private, involved in the program of history with the US President's visit to our country, and thank the Angolan people for their civic behavior and hospitality, flying Angola's flag high in the context of the Nations,’ the President concluded.

Defense and security bodies 

In a note of praise, the Head of State, in his capacity as Commander-in-Chief of the Angolan Armed Forces, expressed his gratitude for the services provided by the national defense and security bodies during Joe Biden's visit.

In the statement, read by the FAA's deputy chief of staff for patriotic education, General José Maria Marques, President João Lourenço says that the quality of the security, the skill and readiness of the personnel of the national defense and security bodies, as well as the technical means used, proved to be of a high standard within international security standards.

‘I recognize that, during President Joe Biden's state visit to the provinces of Luanda and Benguela, there were no incidents that could have harmed or threatened the physical integrity of all the members of the presidential delegation, who felt very comfortable during their stay in our country,’ Lourenço said.

It adds that the president considers it fair to acknowledge that the success of the US President's visit was also due to the fruitful work of the national defense and security bodies, jointly with the natural hospitality of the Angolan people and complemented by the US security and intelligence services.

‘For this, I express my pride, satisfaction and praise to the Angolan Armed Forces, National Police, Civil Protection and Fire Services, State Information and Security Services, Foreign Intelligence Services, Military Intelligence and Security Services and the Airport and State Protocol Services for the effectiveness and efficiency of their work,’ reads the statement.ART/DAN/AMP

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