Angolan President highlights ICT’s growth 

  • Luanda • Thursday, 13 June de 2024 | 13h03
Presidente da República, João Lourenço
Presidente da República, João Lourenço
Pedro Parente-ANGOP

Luanda – Angolan president João Lourenço on Thursday highlighted the growth of the telecommunications and information technology sector in the country, thanks to investment made by the government, which has enabled 11.2 million Angolans to have access to Internet.

Speaking at the opening of the International Telecommunications and Communications Technology Forum (ANGOTIC), the president said these investments have resulted in significant growth in the mobile phone network between 2021 and 2023, of 59.2 percent in terms of subscribers.

As for the Internet penetration rate, João Lourenço stressed that there is a 75 percent growth per hundred inhabitants, corresponding to a 28.8 percent growth.

As regards to internet access, the president stressed that the gains made were equally significant and, in the period under analysis, the number of subscribers reached 11.2 million users, with the penetration rate rising to 33 percent.

The Head of State added that the growth in the sector has been made possible thanks to investments by the government in basic infrastructure, staff training and the commitment of operators.

Among the fundamental infrastructures that have started to strengthen the sector, Joaõ Lourenço highlighted the expansion of the terrestrial fiber optic network, with the installation of more than 2,000 kilometers in the pipeline, Angola's adherence to Africa 2 submarine cable and the consolidation of the national space program with the commercialization of Angosat 2 satellite.

The president underlined the preparation of the technical conditions for the installation of digital terrestrial television and the interconnection of Angola with bordering countries via terrestrial fiber optics.

João Lourenço added that these figures represents  a significant expansion in the accessibility and use of telecommunications services in Angola and that the growth in mobile subscriptions and Internet penetration reflects the growth in demand for connectivity and the adoption of digital technologies by the population and companies.

The president explained that this increase can be attributed to various factors, particularly the expansion of telecoms networks, greater availability of affordable plans and the improvement of infrastructures.


"The increase in the penetration rate of mobile telephony and the Internet is a positive indication of digital inclusion and economic development, as it facilitates and speeds up access to information, education, financial services and business opportunities," Lourenço said.

Global and African scenario

In his speech, the Angolan president said that with the evolution of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, 5G, BigData and the Internet of Things, we are fast approaching an intelligent, integrally connected world, which brings countless challenges.

In this perspective, the president said that the scope of smart technologies covers a wide variety of scenarios including smart connections for public administration, government entities, people, homes, among others, increasing consumer demand for a viable experience in multiple dimensions.

According to the president, this scenario makes the absence of digital services in the lives of people, organizations and companies unthinkable today.

Angolan President also said that the current studies indicate that digital systems can help to quickly achieve around 70 percent of the 169 targets of the Sustainable Development Goals, according to UN data.

João Lourenço also recognized that the digital divide is still worrying, given that the Internet penetration rate covers only 67 percent of the world's population, according to data from the International Telecommunications Union.

In Africa, João Lourenço lamented the fact that the Internet penetration rate is only 37 percent, a low indicator that should be a concern for everyone so that together they can develop actions to reverse the situation.

However, the Southern African region has the highest penetration rate in the whole continent.

According to the President, although the Internet penetration rate in Africa is relatively low, there has been a significant growth in Internet users in recent years, which is higher than the average for other continents.

After the opening ceremony, João Lourenço visited various stands on display at ANGOTIC2024.

The "Angola ICT Forum 2024" - ANGOTIC - is an initiative of the Angolan government organized by the Ministry of Telecommunications, Information Technology and Social Communication (MINTTICS). ART/DAN/AMP







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