President Lourenço pledges to improve lives of Angolans

  • Luanda • Wednesday, 28 December de 2022 | 21h36
Presidente da República, João Lourenço
Presidente da República, João Lourenço

Luanda - The President of the Republic, João Lourenço, said Wednesday that the government is committed to improving the lives of Angolans and to investing more in education and health sectors.

In a message to the nation on the New Year, the Angolan Head of State said that as part of the governance strategy, priority would be given to the most vulnerable members of society.


João Lourenço's speech emphasises children, the elderly, the sick and the poorest people, stating that it is to this section of society that he addresses his first wish in the hope that they can find solidarity from their neighbours and society in general.


The President of the Republic also expressed his recognition to all those who put their duties above their personal interests and who guarantee the collective security of persons and goods.


He added that he also shows his solidarity to all those who are bedridden in hospital or at home, and to those who are serving sentences for committing crimes, hoping that one day they will be able to return to society life.


He said that the world is going through a time of unprecedented uncertainty in the history of the last 70 years, so that 2023 will be “a year of great challenges for our country as well”.


According to the message, this scenario “will demand from each of us more dedication to work, more unity of action to oppose the negative trend of the world economy”.


The Head of State said that he believes that with hard work, realism and optimism, the country will be able to overcome, without disorders, the difficult moment the world is going through.


“It is with a renewed sense of hope and belief in the future that I wish all Angolans living in the country and in the diaspora a festive season of peace, harmony and well-being”, he said.


The Head of State considers the festive period to be a time to strengthen family and friendship ties, to reflect on the achievements and challenges ahead and to assess the contribution to the country's economic and social development.


According to the President, in the year coming to an end, all these issues were in the spotlight and Angola had the opportunity to democratically opt for the continuity of a Nation´s project that has earned the confidence of Angolans and the international community.


“I believe that together we can continue to consolidate the democratic rule of law and build an inclusive society of free expression, with equal rights and opportunities, justice and social solidarity”, said João Lourenço adding that he reiterates his belief in a better future and wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!



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