Pesquisando. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...

President João Lourenço wants Angola-France Chamber of Commerce and Industry

  • Luanda • Friday, 17 January de 2025 | 01h31
Presidente João Lourenço no jantar oficial em França
Presidente João Lourenço no jantar oficial em França
Presidente de França, Emmanuel Macron

Paris – Angolan President João Lourenço declared on Thursday in Paris his support for the creation of an Angola-France Chamber of Commerce and Industry, to serve as a basis for business facilitation and contacts between businessmen from the two countries.

The Angolan Head of State was speaking at the official dinner offered in his honour by his French counterpart, Emmanuel Macron, as part of his 48-hour state visit to France, which began on Thursday morning.

'Angola would welcome the initiative to create an Angola-France Chamber of Commerce and Industry, so that this platform serves as a basis for business facilitation and contacts between Angolan and French businessmen,' he said.

He highlighted the fact that the business environment in Angola is 'quite favourable' to foreign private investment in all areas of the national economy.

In this regard, he challenged French entrepreneurs to look at the Angolan market and evaluate the possibilities it offers, aiming to do business with good results, taking into account the country's enormous potential

Taking into account the enormous potential that exists in the country, in the areas of agriculture, energy and water, prospecting and exploration, mineral resources, industry in general, the agri-food industry and others. IZ/DOJ

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