President directs governors to draw up Integrated Intervention Plans

  • Luanda • Friday, 04 November de 2022 | 14h13
Cabinet Council meets
Cabinet Council meets
Joaquina Bento - Angop

Luanda - Angolan head of State João Lourenço Friday directed the governors from 17 of the country's 18 provinces to prepare Integrated Intervention Plans.

The meeting marked the start of the preparation process of the Integrated Intervention Plans for each of the country's 17 provinces, with the exception of Luanda, which has its instrument of action approved.


At the end of the meeting, the minister of Territory Administration Dionísio da Fonseca clarified that the integrated plans aim to address the pressing issues of each province, with stress to education and health sectors.

As for the health, he said, the plans should cover the construction of primary and secondary units, such as health posts, medical centers and municipal hospitals.


He highlighted the fact that the Angolan Executive has already made investments in the tertiary network, with the construction of several hospitals in the 2017/2022 period.


Dionísio da Fonseca noted that the integrated intervention plans will also include actions in the areas of basic sanitation, water supply and electricity.


The plan, he added, will also include places for private investors to  produce essential goods and services for the population.

Dionísio da Fonseca said that the master plan should focus on ongoing and stalled projects, so that from 2024 onwards, the budgets cover new actions for the benefit of Angolan citizens.


He also said that the projects will be secured by resources from the treasury and credit lines, which are being negotiated.


Speaking to the press, the minister announced the preparation of Municipal Master Plans as priorities, aimed to facilitate the subdivision of land and contribute to increasing the offer of housing, mainly for young people.


In the coming days, each of the provincial government will gather, in a memorandum, the main projects to be implemented in their respective territories, including idled infrastructure, the process of construction and those considered priority in construction.


After this preparatory work, the Cabinet Council will hold special sessions for the approval, one by one, of the Integrated Intervention Plans for each province, as happened to Luanda.

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