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President of the Republic appoints governors of the new provinces

  • Luanda • Tuesday, 17 December de 2024 | 22h26
Presidente da República, João Lourenço
Presidente da República, João Lourenço
Pedro Parente-ANGOP

Luanda – Angolan President João Lourenço on Tuesday appointed the governors of the newly created provinces of Cuando, Cubango, Moxico-Leste and Icolo and Bengo.

According to a press release from the Presidency of the Republic, Lúcio Gonçalves Amaral (Cuando), José Martins (Cubango), Crispiniano Vivaldino Evaristo dos Santos (Moxico-Leste) and Auzílio de Oliveira Martins Jacob (Icolo and Bengo) were appointed, respectively.

To this end, Mara Regina da Silva Baptista Domingos Quiosa, from the position of governor of the province of Cuanza-Sul, and Lúcio Gonçalves Amaral, from the position of Secretary of State for the Protection of Strategic Objectives of the Ministry of National Defence, Former Combatants and Veterans of the Fatherland, were dismissed.

For the position of governor of the province of Cuanza-Sul, left by Mara Quiosa, the Head of State appointed Narciso Damásio dos Santos Benedito.

Angola’s new Political-Administrative Division (DPA) created three new territorial units at the provincial level, namely, Icolo and Bengo, Moxico-Leste and Cuando, resulting from the division, respectively, of the provinces of Luanda, Moxico and Cuando-Cubango. VIC/DOJ

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