Luanda - The President of the Republic, João Lourenço on Thursday carried out a staff reshuffle in the National Police and the Criminal Investigation Service.
In this sense, commissioners José Alberto Manuel, from the position of director of the Office of the Minister of the Interior, and Fróz Adão Manuel, from the position of National Director of Human Resources of the Ministry of the Interior were dismissed
Also dismissed were the Commissioners of Criminal Investigation Manuel do Nascimento Cardoso, from the position of director of the Office of Institutional Communication and Press of the Ministry of the Interior, Tomás Agostinho, from the position of director of the Office of the General Commander of the National Police, Manuel Francisco Gonçalves, from the position of provincial delegate of the Ministry of the Interior and Provincial Commander of Huambo of the National Police, and Zacarias Caconso André, from the position of director of the Office of the Secretary of State for the Interior.
Deputy commissioners António Pereira de Santana, from the position of Deputy Director of Personnel and Staff of the National Police of Angola, and João Nazaré da Silva Neto, from the position of Director of Human Resources of the Criminal Investigation Service, also ceased their functions.
In other decrees, President João Lourenço appointed chief commissioners Rui de Oliveira Gomes to the position of inspector general of the Ministry of the Interior, Manuel Francisco Gonçalves to the position of delegate of the Interior and Luanda Provincial Commander of the National Police.
Commissioners António Pereira de Santana were also appointed to the position of national director of Human Resources of the Ministry of the Interior, José António Gaspar to the position of delegate of the Interior and Provincial Commander of Zaire of the National Police, and José Fernando Mação to the position of delegate of the Interior and Provincial Commander of Huambo of the National Police.
Commissioner Tomás Agostinho will hold the position of director of the Office of the Secretary of State for the Interior, while Deputy Commissioner David Francisco Chitundo holds the position of 2nd Provincial Commander of Zaire of the National Police. ART/DOJ