Angolan president  congratulates Mozambique for anniversary

  • Luanda • Thursday, 27 June de 2024 | 12h59
Presidente da República, João Lourenço
Presidente da República, João Lourenço

Luanda – Angolan president João Lourenço on Tuesday congratulated the Mozambican people and the government for its 49th independence anniversary through a congratulatory message sent to President Filipe Nyusi.

 "I am pleased to note, on this memorable date, the efforts being made by the government you lead, with the support of the Mozambican citizenry, to harmonize the internal life of your country and to promote concord among Mozambicans," wrote the Head of State.

In the message, João Lourenço listed the consolidation of democracy and the re-establishment of full security throughout the national territory and in the southern region of the continent in general, as gains achieved in recent years.

The President of the Republic took the opportunity to reaffirm Angola's interest in continuing to strengthen the bonds of friendship and solidarity that unite the Angolan and Mozambican peoples.

João Lourenço defended the creation of new opportunities for collaboration, capable of fostering the realization of the aspirations of both citizens for their development and common well-being.

The independence of Mozambique, a territory colonized by the Portuguese empire from the late 15th and early 16th centuries, was proclaimed on June 25, 1975.

It was the then president of the Mozambique Liberation Front (FRELIMO), Samora Machel, who proclaimed the independence of this African nation. VIC/TED/AMP


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