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President João Lourenço reshuflles Armed Forces

  • Luanda • Friday, 29 November de 2024 | 18h21
Presidente da República, João Lourenço
Presidente da República, João Lourenço
Pedro Parente-ANGOP

Luanda - The President of the Republic and Commander-in-Chief of the Angolan Armed Forces (FAA), João Lourenço, signed on Friday several decrees in which he promoted, dismissed and appointed generals, admirals and senior officers, while others were retired.

In a presidential decree, lieutenant-general Eugénio Figueiredo was dismissed from the post of Commander of the Army Higher Institute, and lieutenant-general Alcibíades Miltinho Ulo Chindombe from the post of Deputy Head of the Main Directorate for Troop Preparation and Teaching.

Vice-Admiral João Pedro Adão Cambole was also dismissed from his post as commander of the Naval Squadron, Brigadier Avelino Sambo from his post as chief of staff of the Cabinda Military Region, and Brigadier Mateus Simão João da Silva from his post as head of the National Air Force's Directorate for Combative Training and Education.

The list of dismissals also includes Brigadier Sebastião Alberto as head of the Anti-Aircraft Defense Directorate of the National Air Force, Brigadier Rufino Avelino Miguel as director of the Information and Analysis Office of the Military Intelligence and Security Service and Rear Admiral José Manuel Gonçalves de Carvalho as head of the Operations Directorate of the Angolan Navy.


In another decree, the Commander-in-Chief of the Angolan Armed Forces appointed lieutenant-general Avelino Sambo to the post of commander of the North-East Military Region, lieutenant-general Eugênio Figueiredo to the post of commander of the Middle Kwanza Military Region, lieutenant-general Mateus Simão João da Silva to the post of head of the Main Directorate for Troop Preparation and Teaching of the FAA General Staff.

The president also appointed Vice-Admiral João Pedro Adão Cambole to the post of Commander of the Central Naval Region, Vice-Admiral José Manuel Gonçalves de Carvalho to the post of Commander of the Southern Naval Region, and Brigadier Fernando Mota Valente to the post of Deputy Commander for Patriotic Education of the Eastern Military Region.

Brigadier Francisco Joaquim António was appointed as head of the National Air Force's Armament and Technical Directorate, Brigadier Joaquim Albino Dias as the commander of the National Air Force's Air Surveillance and Patrol Brigade, while Brigadier José Pedro is now the head of the National Air Force's Anti-Aircraft Defense Directorate.

Brigadier Júlio Afonso was appointed to the post of Chief of Staff of the Middle Kwanza Military Region, and Brigadier Miguel Casimiro Madia Kanga to the post of Commander of the 10th Motorized Infantry Brigade of the Cabinda Military Region.

Brigadier Sebastião Alberto was appointed to the post of advisor to the commander of the National Air Force, while Rear Admiral Cornélio Tomás Feliciano was appointed to the post of head of the Directorate of Personnel and Staff of the Angolan Navy.
The president decreed the appointment of Brigadier Deolindo Quipungo to the post of director of the Information and Analysis Office of the Military Intelligence and Security Service.

Lieutenant General Alcibíades Miltinho Ulo Chindombe, for judicial reasons, and Brigadier Rufino Avelino Miguel, for health reasons, were placed on Temporary Inactive Status by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces.

The President promoted Brigadier Avelino Sambo and Brigadier Mateus Simão João da Silva to the rank of lieutenant general.
Rear Admiral José Manuel Gonçalves de Carvalho was promoted to the rank of vice admiral, while Colonels Deolindo Quipungo, Fernando Mota Valente, Francisco Joaquim António, Joaquim Albino Dias, José Pedro, Júlio Afonso and Miguel Casimiro Madia Kanga were promoted to the rank of brigadier.
Captain Cornélio Tomás Feliciano was promoted to the rank of Rear Admiral.


General Adão Adriano António, Lieutenant-Generals António Gonçalves de Carvalho Leitão Ribeiro, Samuel Zinga Emília, Fernando Sengani Suadi, José Santos Paulino, Lopes Luis, Humberto Gonçalves de Freitas, Jonatão Augusto Morais, Tomás Felgueira Neto, and Vice-Admiral Silva Dala are retired from active military service.

Brigadiers Adriano Correia Vicente Nunes, António Joaquim Neto João, António Manuel Aprel, Carlos Alberto Roque and Eurico Adolossi Sandongo also retired due to age limits.

Brigadiers João Alfredo Ferreira da Costa, João Armando da Conceição Moutinho Pinto, Joaquim Emanuel Filipe, José António Calala, Manuel Luís, Miguel Francisco, Osório Pedro Cavita, Victor Pedro Manuel Muzoi and Rear Admiral Narciso Faztudo Júnior were also retired.ART/AMP

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