President’s State of the Nation address set for 15 October

  • Luanda • Thursday, 29 September de 2022 | 14h29
Conferência dos líderes parlamentares da Assembleia Nacional
Conferência dos líderes parlamentares da Assembleia Nacional
Joaquina Bento - Angop

Luanda - Angolan head of State João Lourenço will address the nation on 15 October, to mark the solemn opening meeting of the 5th Legislature of the National Assembly (AN).

The programme of the Solemn Meeting for the Opening of the 1st Legislative Session of the 5th Legislature of the National Assembly was approved Thursday in Luanda.

This was at the end of the Parliamentary leaders' conference, chaired by the Parliament's Speaker, Carolina Cerqueira. 

Under the Constitution, the Head of State addresses the country at the opening of the Parliamentary Year in National Assembly on 15 October, a message on the State of the Nation and the policies outlined for the resolution of the pressing issues and the country’s development. 

The conference of parliamentary leaders was attended by the representatives of the political parties with Parliamentary seat.

At the end of the meeting the participants expressed their willingness and readiness to represent with dignity the sovereign people at V Legislature, which begins on 15 October. 

The leader of UNITA's parliamentary group, Liberty Chiaka, said that his party's MPs are prepared for this great moment. 

"We, as MPs, took a solemn oath to fulfill and enforce the Constitution and the laws," said Liberty Chiaka, who highlighted the cordiality of the new Speaker of the National Assembly, Carolina Cerqueira. 

In turn, the first vice-leader of the ruling MPLA party’s parliamentary group, Reis Júnior, highlighted the programme of the Solemn Meeting for the Opening of the 1st Legislative Session of the 5th Legislature of the AN, marked by the State of the Nation Address by the President of the Republic, João Lourenço. 

Bela Maquias, leader of the PHA, NImi a Simbi (FNLA) and Benedito Daniel (PRS), expressed their optimism saying that they are looking forward to a challenging legislature. 

The ruling MPLA party has 124 seats, followed by UNITA with 90, while PRS, FNLA and PHA with two each. 

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