Pesquisando. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...

Head of State announces Palace of Music and Theater construction

  • Luanda • Wednesday, 27 March de 2024 | 10h05
Presidente da República, João Lourenço
Presidente da República, João Lourenço

Luanda - President João Lourenço announced this Wednesday, in Luanda, that the Executive is committed to building the future House for the Artist and the Music and Theather Palace, in the country's capital.

On his Facebook page, the Head of State, in the ambit of the World Theater Day, marked today (27), reiterated his commitment to creating decent spaces for greater appreciation of this art of representing reality, "based on our culture".

He explained that after the inauguration of the Huambo Cultural Center, initiatives of this kind will obviously multiply throughout the country.

"The preservation of our cultural values ​​and the projection of our identity must be a permanent objective of all our actions", he highlighted.

He considered theater makers "true heroes who, in an environment of many adversities, make this art an effective instrument to keep our awareness of ourselves alive".

The celebration of March 27th, World Theater Day, was created in 1961 by the International Theater Institute.

Theater is an ancient art and works as a means of disseminating the culture of different peoples. Since ancient times, man has used theater as a form of expression.

There are several theatrical genres such as Melodrama, Tragedy, Comedy, Black Comedy, Physical Theatre, Comedy and tragedy, Epic theatre, Farce, Musical, Drama, Satire, Theatre of Cruelty, Expressionism, Genre, Naturalism, Theatre in Education, Classical, Domestic drama, Pantomime, Realism and Romance



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A pesquisar. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...