Experts analyze security plans in DRC

  • Luanda • Thursday, 08 August de 2024 | 17h32
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Reunião de Peritos de Inteligência
Reunião de Peritos de Inteligência

Luanda – Foreign affairs experts from Angola, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Rwanda analyzed on Thursday, in Luanda, the harmonized plans for neutralizing the FDLR and disengaging forces on the ground.

According to a press release from the Angolan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the meeting is the result of the guidelines issued by the Ministerial Meeting on 30 July 2024 on the security and peace situation in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

In this context, the experts will submit their report to be assessed in detail at the next session of the ministerial meeting.

In the opening session of the event, Wednesday, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Téte António, congratulated the parties for their determination to relaunch the dialogue, with a view to finding a peaceful solution to the challenges that still prevail in the region.

He said that peace in eastern DRC will benefit local communities, as well as countries in the Great Lakes region, and beyond.

He hoped that the objectives set for this meeting would be achieved in a constructive manner, based on two critical assumptions for the effective implementation of the ceasefire, in force since last Sunday.

The agreement was signed in Luanda, on July 30th, by the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the DRC and Rwanda, under the mediation of Minister Téte António.

The ceasefire is being overseen by the strengthened Ad-Hoc Verification Mechanism.

At the meeting of experts, the Angolan delegation was led by ambassador Jorge Cardoso, director of the Africa, Middle East and Regional Organizations Directorate of MIREX (Minister of Foreign Affairs).

The Congolese was led by Lieutenant General Ndaywel Okura Christian, deputy chief of staff.

Rwandan by Brigadier General Jean Paul Nyirubutama Deputy Secretary General of the National Intelligence and Security Service.



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