Pesquisando. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...

Parliament highlights work developed during the II legislative session

  • Luanda • Thursday, 15 August de 2024 | 17h51
Sessão Solene de Encerramento da V Legislatura
Sessão Solene de Encerramento da V Legislatura
Joaquina Bento - ANGOP

Luanda - The National Assembly described as positive the balance of the activities carried out within the framework of its II Legislative Session of the V Legislature, which began on October 16, 2023 and ended on Thursday (August 15).

Throughout this legislative session, in this case the II of the Fifth Legislature, there were a total of 213 meetings, including three (3) Solemn Plenary Sessions, on the occasion of the State visits of the Presidents of the Democratic Republic of East Timor, José Ramos-Horta, (8 July) and the People's Republic of Madagascar, Andry Rajoelina, (1 August), as well as the Opening of the Parliamentary Year (16 October).

Likewise, seven (7) Ordinary Plenary Meetings and eight (8) Extraordinary Plenary Sessions were held, which allowed the approval and publication in the Official Gazette of a total of 18 Laws, to which are added another seven (7) under treatment in the Specialty, as well as six (6) Bills under work in the Committees for final drafting.

In its final report, presented at the Solemn closing session of the II legislative session, it is mentioned that throughout the same Parliamentary year, the political forces sitting in the National Assembly, namely MPLA, UNITA, PRS, FNLA and PHA delivered a total of 22 Political Declarations.

Regarding laws, it highlights that there was the admission of 31 legislative initiatives, 29 of which from the Holder of Executive Power, one (1) from the UNITA Parliamentary Group and an equal number of members.

With regard to Resolutions, the House of Laws, in its II Legislative Session, registered 41 Resolutions approved and already published in the Official Gazette, with another six (6) being processed for publication.

In the framework of Control and Inspection, the bills assessed within the scope of this constitutional competence stand out, as well as the visits carried out by the Specialized Working Committees and the Groups of Resident Members of the Parliament, to verify the degree of physical and financial execution of the various projects underway in the different municipalities of the country, framed in the programs designed by the Executive.

In this way, there was a degree of compliance with the planned activities in the order of 59.4%.

Other administrative activities

With regard to the activities carried out by the President of the National Assembly, he points out that the Parliamentary Leader granted 54 audiences to different individuals, as well as participated in international activities and chaired several other meetings.

In turn, the Specialized Working Committees, as one of the forms of organization of the National Assembly, with regard to permanent activities, namely consideration of proposals and draft laws, draft resolutions, preparation of reports, opinions, opinions and respective work plans, held a total of 36 hearings, three (3) hearings, four (4) parliamentary hearings, 14 meetings, 22 assess visits and two (2) workshops.

Also in this chapter, three (3) verification visits to the facilities of the Local Support Offices for the Provincial Constituencies of Members of the Parliament, carried out by the Board of Directors, stand out.

Likewise, the activities carried out by the Group of Women Parliamentarians, in a total of 9 (nine), the various visits carried out by the Groups of Resident members, over 250, in addition to the technical and administrative support provided by the General Secretariat to parliamentary activity, in general, and legislative activity, in particular, stand out.

International Relations and Interparliamentary Cooperation

As for International Relations and Interparliamentary Cooperation, developed mostly by the National Monitoring Groups and Friendship and Solidarity, three (3) meetings of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) were held, with emphasis on the 147th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, which was hosted by Angola.

Emphasis on one (1) meeting of the Parliamentary Assembly of Africa, Caribbean and Pacific and European Union (PA-ACP/EU), the same number of the National Monitoring Group to the Union of African Parliaments – UPA, two (2) of the Pan-African Forum (PAP) and seven (7) of the SADC Parliamentary Forum (FP-SADC), with emphasis on the 55th Plenary Assembly of this organization which,  was also hosted by Angola, as well as four (4) from the Parliamentary Forum of the International Conference of the Great Lakes Region (FP-ICGLR).

Within the framework of the work, there were five (5) meetings of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries – (AP-CPLP), one (1) of the National Monitoring Group for the Parliaments of South America and an equal number of the National Monitoring Group for International Organizations. SC/DOJ

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A pesquisar. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...