Parliament Speaker encourages young girls to engage in education

  • Luanda • Wednesday, 31 July de 2024 | 17h30
PAN interage com jovens e responsável do Centro de acolhimento " Mamã Muxima "
PAN interage com jovens e responsável do Centro de acolhimento " Mamã Muxima "
Marcela Ganga - ANGOP

Luanda – The Speaker of the National Assembly, Carolina Cerqueira, on Wednesday in Luanda Province, encouraged young girls’ resident at the Mamã Muxima Care Center to be committed to their studies, especially in the technology sector.

The politician praised the institutional support and the solidarity of the MPs to provide opportunities, especially for young girls and vulnerable women, to get to know the sovereign body and realise that the National Assembly's (NA) priority is to serve the people at the most varied sections of the society.

“The cause of women is not just mine, it's also that of the AN, which has very dynamic female MPs who are staunch defenders of equality, women's rights and opportunities”, she emphasised.

In turn, the representative of the center, sister Adriana Nunes, explained that in order to support the centre, as well as the training of young girls they depend on donations of benefactors, a fact that she believes has not been easy for the institution.

She revealed that young girls, most of them orphans, are only allowed to leave the center at a time they are considered to be independent with the possibility to be employed and, consequently, self-support. It cares for 116 children.  MGM/SC/MRA/DOJ

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