New administrator of Lobito wants collaboration from residents

  • Luanda • Wednesday, 28 August de 2024 | 19h03
Novo administrador municipal do Lobito, Carlos Pacatolo
Novo administrador municipal do Lobito, Carlos Pacatolo
Carlos Benedito

Benguela - Lobito's new municipal administrator, Carlos Pacatolo, said on Wednesday, that he hopes to work in harmony with residents to transform the city into a true “Angola's drawing room”.

Speaking to the press, after being sworn in by governor Luís Nunes, the new administrator promised to speak to people aiming to look for solutions to the problems the municipality faces.

Basic sanitation, disorderly growth of the city, insufficient classrooms, medical and medication assistance, distribution of energy and drinking water to certain locations, among others, are issues that concern residents and that will deserve the attention of the new administrator.

“I hope to be up to the responsibility and the challenge. As an employee who has worked in that house, I have an idea of the problems, but above all we have strength, determination, commitment, love for the land and of the people, to little by little and according to the available resources, solve the problems", Carlos Pacatolo said.

When asked about his connection to the Academy, he clarified that he will not fail to contribute to the growth of science and research in Angola, as there is no incompatibility between his new functions and the exercise of teaching, research and scientific activity. 

“I accepted a commitment that requires loyalty and, from an academic point of view, we work with scientific honesty and there does not seem to be any incompatibility between being loyal and being academically honest”, said the new Lobito manager.

Carlos Pacatolo, who is also a professor at the Jean Piaget Polytechnic Institute of Benguela, replaces Evaristo Kalopa Mário, who was the administrator of the municipality over three years.

The governor of the province of Benguela, Luís Nunes, stated that any hasty decision could compromise the effectiveness of the administration and, therefore, the viability of implementing public policies for the specific municipality and consequently the well-being of the population.

He explained it by the fact that the municipality had spent around two months without a new administrator appointed.

“It was special for us to ensure that the manager now sworn in had the permitted qualifications, as well as a vision aligned with the concrete needs and aspirations of the municipality in question”, said the governor.

Luís Nunes stated that he was convinced that the time invested in choosing the new administrator was an investment in the quality of public management, with the decision made this day, a reflection of seriousness and commitment to the population, the municipality and the province in general.

To Luis Nunes, Lobito is the port, industrialization, commerce, biodiversity, excellent tourism and the future, although he recognized that, despite some emergency interventions already carried out and being carried out, the municipality still has numerous concerns transversal to different sectors.

Luís Nunes asked the new administrator to work tirelessly to find concrete and definitive solutions for the municipality.

The official also called for participatory, inclusive, open and close governance, as this is what the population of Lobito expects from the new administrator, as a son of the land.

"I am sure that with dedication and hard work, great achievements will be achieved. We count on your knowledge, skill, experience and passion to face the challenges and promote the progress that the municipality and the community demand and deserve”, he concluded. CRB/MRA/DOJ

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